ECorp Online Banking
Be informed...FDIC released a new educational resource for safe online banking strategies to help you protect and maintain your computer systems and data: "Cybersecurity Guide for Businesses."
Online banking and ACH origination.
If you are looking for a system that offers both online banking capabilities to manage your Hicksville Bank accounts along with the means to perform ACH origination transactions, our ECorp Online Banking System is the right choice for your business. We offer a safe and secure system which is available 24/7 using any internet connection anywhere. We want to help your business become more efficient and to enhance your cash management capabilities. Contact any one of our branch locations to initiate the ACH Origination Agreement today.
Benefits & Available Options:
- No system fees
- View Hicksville Bank (HB) checking, savings, CD & loan account balances
- View transaction details and images of your checks
- Transfer funds between (HB) accounts (internal transfers)
- ACH origination of:
- Cash Management transactions (external transfers - accts with other financial institutions)
- Direct Deposit Payroll files
- Federal and State Tax Payments
- Accounts Receivable transactions
- Accounts Payable transactions
If ACH Origination is not needed, please refer to our standard online banking system.

Also need a Business Savings Account?
Like personal savings accounts, we also offer great benefits for our business savings accounts.
Explore and choose one that best fits your needs today.